CRIEI is a biannual event held in beautiful San Diego at the Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa and Marina. This multidisciplinary conference was created by researchers, specifically for researchers in early intervention (birth-8). It is a unique 2½-day meeting focusing on methodological advances, research in progress, innovative approaches to combining methodologies, issues in conducting research, and controversial topics related to interventions with young children with disabilities or those at risk for developmental delays and their families. All attendees present their own research during the conference, which typically includes about 200 participants from across the country. CRIEI also provides a unique opportunity for graduate students to present work in progress and receive guidance and suggestions from those who have firmly established themselves in the field of research.
DATE: February 10-12, 2022
Location: San Diego, California
Before registering, please read the CRIEI Covid guidelines!
**By registering for this conference, you are agreeing to share your name, email address and organizational affiliation with attendees and sponsors.**